He Mahi Toi
Mixed media: 120cm x 75cm
International Exhibition: “Taahu” XIV Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy
Mixed media: 30cm x 60cm Residence: Palmerston North, New Zealand
Mixed media: 30cm x 60cm Residence: Lower Hutt,
New Zealand
Mixed media: 1OOcm 75cm,
Exhibition: “Hautapu Offerings” Residence: He Rau Aroha Gallery, Gisborne, New Zealand
Mixed media: 100cm x 75cm,
Exhibition: “Hautapu Offerings” He Rau Aroha, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Uawa, Tolaga Bay, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Residence: Te Rau Aroha Gallery, New Zealand
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm, Exhibition: University of Hawaii.
Residence: Hawaii
Mixed media: 100cm x 75cm, Exhibition: NZ Embassy, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Residence: Switzerland
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: “ Haka” Pipitea Marae, Wellington
Residence: Ministry of Justice, Wellington, New Zealand
Mixed media: 50cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Festival of the Arts, Brisbane, Australia
Residence: Rotorua, New Zealand
Mixed media: 50cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Kotuku Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Whakatane
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Maia / Kotuku Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Parliament Building, Wellington
He Mahi Toi
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand
Residence: Brisbane, Australia
Mixed media: 50 cm x 120cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand
Residence: Ruatoria, East Coast, New Zealand
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand
Residence: Brisbane, Australia
Mixed media: 60cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand
Residence: Gisborne
Mixed media: 100cm x 120cm
Exhibition: “Return to the Swing ” Indigenous Gathering, Evergreen State, Olympia, Seattle, USA
Residence: Travelling Exhibition, USA,2002-2004
Mixed media: 100cm x 50cm
Exhibition: "Toihoukura,Tairawhiti Museum,Gisborne,New Zealand
Award: Jack Richards " Ruanuku Award.
Residence: Tairawhiti Museum,Gisborne, New Zealand
Mixed media: 50cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Te Taumata Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand
Residence: Rotorua,New Zealand
Mixed media: 100cm x 150cm
Commission: Gisborne Volleyball
Residence: Gisborne, New Zealand
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Mataora Gallery, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand
Residence: Gisborne, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 50cm x 100cm
Exhibition: “ Festival of the Arts” Brisbane, Australia
Residence: Brisbane, Australia
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Tairawhiti Museum, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Tauranga, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 150cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Gisborne, New Zealand.
He Mahi Toi
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: “Te Ra Fest”, Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Christchurch.
Mixed media: 60cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Gisborne, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 50 cm x 120cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Wellington, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 50cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Mataora Gallery, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand.
Residence: Auckland, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 100cm x 150cm
Exhibition: Maia Gallery, Toihoukura, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Whakatane, New Zealand
Mixed media: 100cm x 120cm
Exhibition: “ Americas Cup” Mataora Gallery, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand
Residence: Auckland, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 100cm x 50cm
“ 21st Key”
Residence: Sydney, Australia
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: “ Toi Heretaunga” Matariki Celebrations, Hawkes Bay Exhibition Centre
Commission: Te Papa O Tongarewa Museum in Wellington.
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Ukaipo Gallery, Gisborne, New Zealand.
Residence: Rotorua, New Zealand
Mixed media: 150cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Residence: Gisborne, New Zealand.
He Mahi Toi
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: “Mahurangi”, Wellington, New Zealand
Residence: Christchurch, New Zealand.
Mixed media: 100cm x 100cm
Exhibition: Whakatane Gallery, Whakatane,New Zealand
Residence: Christchurch,New Zealand
Mixed media: 60cm x 100cm
"50th Birthday
Residence: Tolaga Bay,Uawa,New Zealand